Matt Malkus

Institutional Life

Matt Malkus

Leadership Team

Matthew Malkus

Matt is an expert in the field of advanced age actuarial science and life insurance as well as related systems development. Since joining Institutional Life in 2011, Matt has led the development of proprietary valuation and stress testing models for life-contingent assets, as well as Institutional Life’s customized asset management platform designed to safeguard and optimize value of assets under management. Matt has worked closely with life actuaries and thought leaders in the broader life insurance industry to construct and maintain actuarial tables and adjustments tailored to the nuances of life settlement experience, based on a large volume of third-party data and one of the most robust independent data sets in the space.

Prior to Institutional Life, Matt provided statistical quality control support for Babcock & Wilcox (NYSE: BWXT), a leading national defense contractor. Matt is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA) and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). Matt holds a B.S. degree in Statistics from Virginia Tech and a M.A. degree in Economics from New York University.