Nathan Creel

Institutional Life

Nathan Creel

Senior Team

Nathan Creel

Nathan specializes in constructing new investment opportunities, ranging from private lending to highly structured equity transactions. Since joining Institutional Life in 2020, he has applied a variety of bespoke cash flow structures to the asset class in order to optimize returns for clients and achieve their distinct objectives. Nathan works closely with clients during the investment process and takes a collaborative approach to marry Institutional Life’s industry expertise with the client’s capital initiatives. Once an investment is completed, Nathan helps oversee the management of the assets and offers solutions to maximize performance through the duration of the investment.

Prior to joining Institutional Life, Nathan analyzed market inefficiencies in an emerging market for DirecTV Latin America, headquartered in Bogota, Colombia. Nathan holds a B.S. degree from Clemson University and a M.S. degree in Finance from Vanderbilt University.